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    Faculty Appointment and Promotions Guidelines


    This document refers herein to RBHS in general but these policies and guidelines are to apply to faculty whose primary appointment is to a school, department, Center, Institute, or program in RBHS except those following the AAUP-AFT guidelines.

    2023 – Appointment and Promotion Guidelines


    Provosts and Rutgers Health Faculty Affairs Appointments and Promotions Presentation


    The Provosts and Rutgers Health Faculty Affairs periodically hold sessions on Appointments and Promotions for Rutgers Health Faculty in the AAUP-BHSNJ Unit. Check the events calendar for upcoming sessions. You can also access the presentation and previously recorded sessions below:

    Appointments and Promotions Presentation

    Appointments, Promotions, and Professional Activities (Video)


    RH Criteria for Promotion to Associate Professor and from Associate Professor to Professor:

    The document below lists the categories that will be evaluated while in rank for promotion in the Teaching Track, Clinical Track- Clinical Educators (CE) and Clinical Scholars (CS), Research Track, Professional Practice Track (PP), and for Clinically Focused University Practitioners (CFUP) and Voluntary Clinical Faculty (VCF).

    RH Criteria for Promotion to Associate Professor and from Associate Professor to Professor


    Rutgers Health Promotions Data

    The documents below can only be accessed by entering your Rutgers credentials. After clicking the link to the document, you will be directed to Microsoft 365 to login with the RU credentials.

    Rutgers Health Promotions Data FY17- FY24


    RBHS Definition for R01 Equivalents

    RBHS Definition for R01 Equivalents

    The purpose of this document is to provide clarification on what qualifies as an NIH R01 equivalent, as related to the RBHS Policies and Guidelines Governing Appointments, Promotions, and Professional Activities of the Faculty (A&P Guidelines); these Guidelines require “sustained and substantial peer-reviewed extramural support” for promotion on the tenure track and award of tenure. Note that for schools/units following the AAUP-AFT guidelines, which provides for a shorter tenure-track period than that in the AAUP-BHSNJ Guidelines, the length of the pre-tenure period will be taken into account in assessing productivity of the faculty member.

    Importantly, this document is not meant to be all-inclusive of every possible grant mechanism that may be considered, but rather to provide guidance as to examples of types of grants that will be considered as R01 equivalents.

    RBHS Definition of R01 Equivalents