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    Virtual Cafe

    Let’s connect with each other, build community, and discuss resilience, balance, and recharging during the COVID 19 disruptive crisis. Links to a couple articles to get us started:


    Sharing our experiences in health care, especially during intense, emotional, or stressful times increases our connectedness and well-being. Hearing stories from others helps us know we are not alone and strengthens our sense of community. The authenticity,...

    RBHS Chancellor Awards

    This will be the inaugural year for the RBHS Chancellor Awards.  We have created these awards to acknowledge the extraordinary work of faculty and staff at RBHS.  Please click here for more information. ...

    RBHS IDEA Innovation Grant

    The mission of the RBHS-IDEA innovation grants is to support action-oriented projects that promote an inclusive, diverse, and cohesive culture at RBHS and that show meaningful and measurable results. As we invest in broader institutional efforts to advance an...

    Faculty Development Events Spring 2020

    Register for Spring Faculty Development Events at RBHS, Sponsored by M. Maral Mouradian, MD, the Vice Chancellor for Faculty Development includes:How to be an Effective Mentee (2/4/2020)Faculty Mentor Training (3/10/2020)Women’s Leadership Workshop on...

    A&P Sessions with Provosts

    The Provosts are hosting information sessions to provide an overview of the Policies and Guidelines Governing Appointments, Promotions, and Professional Activities of the Faculty (“A&P Guidelines”) with a focus on faculty tracks.  It will be followed by a Q&A...

    Faculty Promotion and Tenure Appointments

    Recent promotions and tenure appointments were granted to an impressive group of 133 faculty members from the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research, New Jersey Medical School, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School,...

    ALP-RBHS 2019-2020 Fellows Announced

    The fellows for the second cohort of the Academic Leadership Program at RBHS (ALP-RBHS) has been announced. ALP-RBHS provides a venue for faculty administrators (e.g., chairs, program directors) to examine and further develop their leadership, management, and...


    University Human Resources launched a new OneSource Rutgers Faculty and Staff Service Center, which opened August 29. The OneSource center will provide a single point of contact for faculty and staff to resolve HR and payroll needs through a combination of online,...

    Senior Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Appointed

    M. Bishr Omary has been appointed as the Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences senior vice chancellor for Academic Affairs and Research. He will join Rutgers in August. Currently, he is the special advisor on Research to the Dean, professor of Molecular and...