RBHS Director of Diverse Scholar Engagement and Advancement
Humberto R. Jimenez, PharmD, MPH, BCPS, AAHIVP
Humberto R. Jimenez is the RBHS Director of Diverse Scholar Engagement and Advancement, responsible for enhancing our diverse faculty engagement and advancement efforts with intentional outreach, community-building, and program delivery designed to facilitate faculty academic success. This includes the development of peer networks, social and intellectual spaces, and partnering with the RBHS Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion and the other chancellor-led-unit directors through the Faculty Diversity Collaborative (University Equity and Inclusion Office). He will serve as the lead point person for the RBHS application for the pilot year biomedicine Bronze award and promote faculty diversity related efforts for the SEA Change (STEM Equity Achievement) Biomedicine initiative of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).
Dr. Jimenez is a Clinical Assistant Professor at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy, maintaining a practice site at a clinic for persons with HIV within St. Joseph’s University Medical Center in Paterson, NJ. Through his role as a clinical pharmacist, Dr. Jimenez works within an interdisciplinary team to improve the health and lives of persons with HIV by providing adherence counseling, addressing medication access issues, answering drug information questions, and optimizing therapeutic plans under a collaborative practice agreement. As an educator, he aims to empower students and residents to think critically, and to provide patient care with compassion and cultural humility. His research interests center around aging in persons with HIV, as well as optimizing care and health outcomes in this population. Dr. Jimenez is also the co-founder and Board Member of Waves of Health, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing medical care to under-resourced communities abroad.

Humberto R. Jimenez, PharmD, MPH, BCPS, AAHIVP (He/Him/His)