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    Rutgers Health-IDEA: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Advocacy Innovation Grants

    Rutgers Health-IDEA: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Advocacy Innovation Grants

    Rutgers Health-IDEA: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Advocacy Innovation Grants


    The mission of the Rutgers Health-IDEA innovation grants is to support action-oriented projects that promote an inclusive, diverse, and cohesive culture at Rutgers Health and that show meaningful and measurable results. As we invest in broader institutional efforts to advance an inclusive culture, the RH-IDEA grants offer a way for innovative grassroots efforts to join in our larger strategy. We invite projects that encourage conversations and connections across our differences to create opportunities for belonging and to strengthen a sense of community.

    The goals of the RH-IDEA innovation grant program are:

    1. To fund research and scholarly activities that seek innovative approaches to diversity, equity, advocacy, and inclusion.
    2. To promote the development of initiatives and programs that foster an inclusive and welcoming environment for the success of the larger Rutgers Health community.

    Grant submissions should align with the Rutgers beloved community and build upon Rutgers Health strategic priorities, which impact the communities we serve.

    Project topics may include:

    • Climate, culture, and Community building
    • Access, advocacy, and equity
    • Training, learning, and development
    • Systems, policies, and processes

    Highest consideration will be given to projects that:

    • Involve collaboration (across units, communities, and/or by faculty/staff/learner/unit makeup)
    • Promote cross-campus, intergroup, and partnership approaches to support community-building.
    • Have the potential for a significant impact (e.g., sustainable, replicable, and/or far-reaching)
    • Include outcomes that are impactful, meaningful, clearly outlined, and measurable.

    Eligibility and Timeline

    Faculty, students, trainees, and staff across Rutgers Health are eligible to apply.  RH student organizations, departments, and staff units are also encouraged to apply. Grants will range from $1,000 to $10,000.  We expect to select up to 3-5 grants within the $1,000-2,500 range, 1-2 grants in the $2,500-$5,000 range, and 1 grants in the $5,000 to $10,000 range. Funds are considered one-time funds and must be used by the end of the fiscal year in which they are disbursed. Awardees may reapply for subsequent funding cycles if they can demonstrate how it will significantly evolve and further the project.

    • Proposal submission opening: April 17, 2025
    • Proposal submission deadline: May 23, 2025
    • Notification of Awardees: July 2025
    • Distribution of Funds: August 2025
    • Final Presentation Due: March 2025

    Grant awardee requirements:

    Applications must be completed online to be considered. Letters of support are not required but may be included if they significantly enhance the application. Matching funds are encouraged but not required.

    As a condition of receiving the grant funds, awardees are required to assist in sharing their experience with the Rutgers Health community, for example, through RH newsletters, publications, and/or websites. Awardees are also expected to attend the Rutgers Health Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Symposium to present their findings and complete a standardized final report submitted by the deadline to the Office of Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion – Limit to 1000 words and include:

    1. Program goals and objectives: What was the need? How was the identified need addressed, and how effective was the project?
    2. Project evaluation, outcomes, and impact: Describe how the project’s effectiveness and its success were determined and evaluated.
    3. Sustainability: How will the program continue? Describe future plans to continue, extend, or modify this program.
    4. Appendices:
      1. List any publications about the project through presentations, articles, press releases or other products created, such as websites, course materials or modules etc.
      2. Final budget: Financial record to include all direct expenditures and receipts.

    Grants should not be used to fund:

    • Activities that take place entirely off-campus and have no obvious benefit to the Rutgers Health community.
    • Previous expenditures, personnel expenses such as salaries, personal expenses

    To apply, please complete the online application here.

    2023 RH-IDEA Innovation Grant Awardees

    2023 Rutgers Health-IDEA Innovation Grant Awardees

    Principal Investigator


    Project Title

    Shawn Rumrill, TraineeCenter for Advanced Biotechnology and MedicineRutgers Conference for Rising Stars in Graduate Research
    Cheryl Slaughter-Hurst, Assistant DeanNew Jersey Medical SchoolComprehensive Collaborative Counseling (C3): Energizing Equity & Revitalizing Resilience
    Melissa Alvarez-Downing, Assistant ProfessorNew Jersey Medical SchoolCreating Ambassadors in the Department of Surgery as Agents for Culture Change in our Learning Environments.
    Anat Chemerinski, TraineeNew Jersey Medical SchoolMyRepro: An App-based Tool to Facilitate Patient-provider Communication and Improve the Patient Experience in the Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Clinic at University Hospital
    Dongmin Kim, TraineeNew Jersey Medical SchoolEvaluating the Efficacy of Prostate Cancer Decision Aid in Increasing PCa Awareness and Screening Rates in a Vulnerable Population
    Nour Abdel-Azim, TraineeNew Jersey Medical SchoolDiabetes Health Literacy Outreach
    Amani Sampson, TraineeNew Jersey Medical SchoolTHRIVE
    Ryan Benson, TraineeNew Jersey Medical SchoolIntegration of Transgender/non-binary Healthcare Disparity and Surgical Considerations Training into the Surgical Education Curriculum
    Amy Fisher, Program DirectorRobert Wood Johnson Medical SchoolRBHS IDEA ECHO “From Awareness to Action: Increasing Capacity for Safe and Inclusive Healthcare through Community Building and Training on Bias and Microaggressions”
    Pamela Brug, Assistant ProfessorRobert Wood Johnson Medical SchoolSupporting the Sisterhood Initiative: Resilience and Coping Tools for Black
    Women in Facing Racial Microaggressions and Racism
    Susan Giordano, Program DirectorRobert Wood Johnson Medical SchoolGARDEN (Gaining And Reinvigorating Diverse Equitable Nutrition) Project
    Kinga Dabek, TraineeRutgers School of Dental MedicineLongitudinal Changes in Oral Health Behaviors Associated with Educational Intervention in Secondary Language Schools
    Aaron Dallman, Assistant ProfessorSchool of Health ProfessionsPromoting Inclusion & Equity in Higher Education: Identifying Barriers for Health Professions Graduate Students with Disabilities
    Zhaomeng Niu, Assistant ProfessorSchool of Health ProfessionsBeyond Addressing Hate: Exploring Post-Pandemic Mental Health of the AANHPI Community and Future Directions for Mental Health Promotion
    Nancy Fiedler, ProfessorSchool of Public HealthCommunity Rutgers Collaborative to Address Cultural Diversity
    2022 RH-IDEA Innovation Grant Awardees

    2022 Rutgers Health-IDEA Innovation Grant Awardees

    Principal Investigator


    Project Title

    Denise Fyffe, Assistant ProfessorNew Jersey Medical SchoolAddressing Diversity Issues in a Facilitated Peer Mentoring Pilot Program for Victims of Violence Living with Spinal Cord Injury
    Jill Ripper, Associate ProfessorNew Jersey Medical SchoolMending the Wounds: Providing Culturally Competent Dermatologic Education and Inclusive Suturing Workshop Supported by Manufacturing Racially and Ethnically Diverse Skin Models
    Josephine Shenouda, Research Study ManagerNew Jersey Medical SchoolAutism Screening and Early Identification through the Women, Infants, and Children Program in Newark, New Jersey
    Kathleen Brodowski, StudentNew Jersey Medical SchoolNewark Community Garden Partnership: Green Club & Newark Community Solutions
    Patrick Lundy, StudentNew Jersey Medical SchoolBuilding Online BRIDGES: Building Responsible and Inclusive Didactics and Gender Affirming Education
    Cristina Fernandez, StudentRobert Wood Johnson Medical SchoolTraining Medical School Faculty to Address Microaggressions and Dismantle Bias: Using Inclusion-Focused Objective Structured Teaching Exercises
    Roger Thornton, Program CoordinatorRobert Wood Johnson Medical SchoolExpressions of Me
    Jenna Rose, CoordinatorRutgers Biomedical and Health SciencesThe Student Experience Symposium: Fostering Campus Connections
    Kathryna Corpuz, Research ManagerRutgers Biomedical and Health SciencesCapturing Student Perspectives on Pathway/Pipeline Programs for Health Progressions to Create Student Engaged Program Design at RBHS
    Ning Kuo, Laboratory ResearcherRutgers Biomedical and Health SciencesDiversity Up: Inclusive YouTube Stories Worth Spreading
    Vincent Silenzio, ProfessorRutgers Biomedical and Health SciencesDeveloping an Interprofessional Public and Population Health Service-Learning Structure Known as the Rutgers Health Service Corps
    Herminio Perez, Assistant ProfessorRutgers School of Dental MedicineBuilding Bridges for Impact & Growth (BBIG) – Phase III
    Nancy Kirsch, ProfessorSchool of Health ProfessionsProject GAP: Growing Accomplished Professionals
    Robyn Schaefer, Assistant ProfessorSchool of NursingCreating More than Just a “Safe Zone”: A Faculty Training and Resource Module for Sexual and Gender Minority DEI in Course Climate and Content
    2021 RH-IDEA Innovation Grant Awardees

    2021 Rutgers Health-IDEA Innovation Grant Awardees

    Principal Investigator


    Project Title

    Mariely Moronta-Sanchez, Outreach ManagerInstitute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging ResearchRU-Relay: Connecting the RBHS Community
    Britney Wilson, StudentNew Jersey Medical SchoolBridging Racial Differences: Developing Dermatology Leaders with Skills to Combat Stereotype Threat and Implicit Bias in Medicine
    Stephanie Bonne, Associate ProfessorNew Jersey Medical SchoolREPASS – An 8-week cohort program of grief, growth, and artistic empowerment
    Chaden Noureddine, StudentNew Jersey Medical SchoolAccessing Online BRIDGEs: Building Responsible and Inclusive Didactics and Gender-Affirming Education.
    Mafudia Suaray, Associate ProfessorRobert Wood Johnson Medical SchoolIntense Perinatal Home Blood Pressure monitoring for women of color at increased risk of Pre-eclampsia
    Taylor Chiang, StudentRobert Wood Johnson Medical SchoolTransgender Health App: Increasing Accessibility and Information for Transgender Patients on Gender-affirming Health Care Providers
    Tynisha Coleman, Director of Special ProjectsRutgers Biomedical and Health SciencesRBHS Peer-Coaching Program
    Reyna Moreira-Trochez, TraineeSchool of Graduate Studies, Biological SciencesLanguage Connection
    Herminio Perez, Assistant Professor, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Diversity and InclusionSchool of Dental MedicineBuilding Bridges for Impact & Growth (The “BBIG” Program) – Phase II
    Monina Franco-Tantuico, RBHS LecturerSchool of NursingUnderstanding the Advanced Nursing Practice Culturally Diverse Student through Dramatization to Avoid Implicit Bias in the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) evaluation
    Sallie Porter, Associate ProfessorSchool of NursingHealth equity advocacy leadership to promote student learning and community engagement
    Henry Raymond, Associate ProfessorSchool of Public HealthDeveloping an interprofessional LGBTQ+ module for academic leadership to enhance RBHS diversity, equity, and inclusion.
    Schenike Lambert, Program CoordinatorUniversity Behavioral Health CareUBHC’s Black, Indigenous, and Person of Color (BIPOC) Mentorship Program
    2020 RH-IDEA Innovation Grant Awardees

    2020 Rutgers Health-IDEA Innovation Grant Awardees

    Principal Investigator


    Project Title

    Vivek Gurumoorthy, StudentErnest Mario School of PharmacyMaking Masks for Moms and Kids in the Newark, New Jersey Community
    Herminio Perez, Assistant Professor, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs, Diversity and InclusionSchool of Dental MedicineBuilding Bridges for Impact and Growth: The BBIG IDEA
    Jonathan Kuriakose, StudentRobert Wood Johnson Medical SchoolExpanding the Impact of the BLAST Anatomy Program at RWJMS to Underrepresented Communities
    Anastasia Kunac, Associate ProfessorNew Jersey Medical SchoolImplementation of a Trauma-Informed Care Curriculum for Surgery Residents Caring for Trauma Patients in Newark, NJ
    Manasa Ayyala, Assistant ProfessorNew Jersey Medical SchoolINTERRUPTing Microaggressions: Using Standardized Role Play to Become an “Upstander”
    Richard Marlink, ProfessorGlobal Health InstituteStudent IDEA Case Competition: COVID-19 Inequities in NJ
    Skye Kelty, Post Doctoral FellowEnvironmental, Occupational, and Health Sciences InstituteTools for intentional inclusivity, diversity, and equity in community research
    Jeremy Sinkin, Assistant ProfessorRobert Wood Johnson Medical SchoolTransforming health professional education and service delivery for a diverse, gender-nonconforming community.
    Les Barta, Director, Simulation Technology ProgramErnest Mario School of PharmacyRutgers IDEA Sensitive Simulations (RISS)
    Pamela Rothpletz-Puglia, Associate ProfessorSchool of Health ProfessionsBuilding Equity Oriented Health Care Capacity: An assessment of health care provider clinical care, educational, and research protocol trauma-informed knowledge and practices at Rutgers Biomedical and Health Science (RBHS) schools
    Felicia LeSure, Executive AssistantRutgers Biomedical Health SciencesStaff Leadership Series for Women of Color; Staff Mentoring Program
    Ann Bagchi, Assistant ProfessorSchool of NursingAn Academic-Community Research Partnership to Enhance Structural Competency for Health Equity
    Amanda Stylianou, Director, Quality ImprovementUniversity Behavioral Health CareRU Undoing Racism