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    RBHS Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion

    RBHS Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion

    Sangeeta Lamba, MD, MS-HPEd


    Sangeeta Lamba, MD, MS-HPEd is the Vice Chancellor for Diversity and Inclusion (VCDI) at Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences (RBHS).  Her primary responsibility is to champion, lead, and implement a fully integrated strategy for diversity, inclusion, and health equity initiatives that nurtures a supportive and inclusive culture across RBHS.  She leads and coordinates RBHS efforts to foster opportunities for diversity and inclusion with special emphasis on academic and faculty advancement.

    Dr. Lamba is a Professor of Emergency Medicine at Rutgers New Jersey Medical School (NJMS) with training in internal medicine, emergency medicine, and hospice and palliative medicine, and she continues to have an active role in both medical education and patient care.  While serving as Associate Dean of Education at NJMS, Dr. Lamba has implemented innovative curricula that nurture and cultivate diversity and inclusion including health equity and social justice, care of LGBTQ and transgender patients, as well as processes for students to report bias in the learning environment.  She has been the recipient of multiple awards for excellence in teaching and mentoring.

    Dr. Lamba has championed the mentoring of diverse faculty and trainees at Rutgers through programs such as the Rutgers Connection Network (RCN) and nationally, serving on the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) Building the Next Generation of Academic Physicians initiative as well as the AAMC’s Group on Diversity and Inclusion, Group on Women in Medicine and Science, and the Group on Faculty Affairs.  She leads local and national empowerment workshops that address implicit and gender bias, microaggressions, and offer strategies to mitigate bias and build a climate of respect and allyship.

    Office Hours with Dr. Sangeeta Lamba
    Click here to schedule a virtual meeting with Dr. Sangeeta Lamba during her office hours. Each session will be scheduled as a 30-minute one-on-one meeting.

    photo of Sangeeta Lamba, MD

    Sangeeta Lamba, MD, MS-HPEd