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    Racial Literacy Tools Dialogue

    Facilitator: Brenda Pereda, MD, Assistant Dean for Equity and Belonging, University of Mexico School of Medicine If you want to attend the dialogue, register here. This dialogue is a follow up to Dr. Pereda's "Racial Literacy Tools for Health Care Providers" talk being held earlier in the afternoon. Space is limited to a small group […]

    CHINJ Science Seminar – Beatrice Haimovich, PhD – Speaker

    Guest Speaker    Beatrice Haimovich, PhD, Associate Professor Department of Surgery, RWJMS    Title: "mTORC1 Promotes Whereas mTORC2 Inhibits TLR4 Signaling in Human Leukocytes: How this relationship might keep us healthy." See the announcement for more information.

    Developing the Mentor: How Do I Know What to Do?

    Presenters: Anita Siu, Pharm.D., BCPPS, Clinical Professor Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy Andrew Gow, PhD, Professor Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy This program will inform you on how to develop effective mentoring relationships and articulate your mentoring philosophy. Click here to register The ZOOM link will be emailed to registrants before the event. If you have […]

    RSDM Research Seminar: Hui Wu, PhD

    Research Seminar Series PRESENTS Hui Wu, PhD Professor of Integrative Biosciences Associate Dean for Research, Deans Office OHSU School of Dentistry "Microbial Insurance to Health Homeostasis" Meeting Link:  Meeting number: 120 259 5547 Password: GxibB3mb7J6 Contact Person: Joseph Legaspi, *See announcement here

    Viral Hepatitis: the Search for a Cure

    You are invited to a special seminar by Dr. Michael J. Sofia. Dr. Sofia is the inventor of Sofosbuvir, a game-changing therapeutics for hepatitis C, and is currently the Chief Scientific Officer and Co-founder of Arbutus Biopharma, a pharmaceutical company specialized in developing a cure for hepatitis B. See the announcement for more information. Registration […]

    2nd Annual Stroke and Neurocritical Care Symposium: Advanced Management for Neurological and Neurosurgical Emergencies and Critical Care: Neuro-Emergencies During the Pandemic

    2nd Annual Stroke and Neurocritical Care Symposium: Advanced Management for Neurological and Neurosurgical Emergencies and Critical Care: Neuro-Emergencies During the Pandemic This symposium will provide physicians and allied healthcare professionals with a comprehensive overview of the cutting-edge management for cerebrovascular diseases and neurocritical care. For more information, see the announcement and visit Questions? Contact […]

    RBHS Strategic Plan Steering Committee Town Hall

    The RBHS Strategic Plan Steering Committee is holding two upcoming virtual town hall events. We will provide a brief overview of our approach, our timeline and progress thus far, and will provide an opportunity to answer your questions and to solicit your input.  Webinar ID: 945 0159 8747    Passcode: 554804 We would very much […]

    RSDM Research Seminar

    RSDM is presenting a research seminar by Carmem S. Pfeifer, DDS, PhD “Current Challenges and New Developments in Restorative Materials” See the announcement and contact Joseph Legaspi for more information at

    The Seventh Evidence-Based Pediatric Update Symposium

    The Seventh Evidence-Based Pediatric Update Symposium This activity will highlight the latest diagnostic techniques and management strategies that impact the care of patients with common and complex pediatric disorders.  For additional information, see the announcement and visit Questions? Contact the Center for Continuing and Outreach Education at

    CHINJ Science Seminar: Kathleen J. Millen, PhD

    Child Health Institute of New Jersey Science Seminar  “Discovery and Implications of Unique Human Cerebellar Developmental Programs.” Speaker: Kathleen J. Millen, PhD Principal Investigator and Associate Director Center for Integrative Brain Research and Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Division of Genetics The University of Washington School of Medicine Zoom Meeting: 5YdHpRa2FJakJDdz09 Meeting ID: 985 6826 […]

    ALP-RBHS Alumni Virtual Café Fall 2020

    Greetings ALP-RBHS Alumni, We are excited to launch a series of virtual alumni cafés to build upon the connections made during ALP-RBHS. These cafes are intended to be an informal space to reconnect with colleagues, meet fellows from the other cohort, and engage in conversation on a particular topic. The event will be facilitated by […]

    To Know its Name: Medical Subjects Headings (MeSH) and their Significance in the Health Sciences

    To Know its Name: Medical Subjects Headings (MeSH) and their Significance in the Health Sciences Medical Subject Headings are critical to effective information retrieval in the health sciences. Learn how they are used to discover new topics, reveal old ones, and form the foundation to medical databases. Register at Contact Matthew Bridgeman at […]